This Just Feels Right on New Years Eve. Serius makes a song laughing at New Years Resolution. Serius Jones - New Years Resolution {prod. Dub Sonata}
Remember that crazy song Just Begun by Reflection Eternal featuring Mos Def, J Electronica, and J. Cole? Yeah well that was the fanfare heralding this new mixtape: Reflection Eternal: "The Re:Union" . Mixed by Statik Selektah, the tape has somethings old, somethings new, and somethings unreleased for u to ride to in the new year.
Forever Films has been at it, pulling videos out of the sky. Honestly, I'm really digging them. I'm not sure who the director is, but these concepts are so different than the videos BET airs.
Speakin of rappers layin low, we now bring u Lloyd Banks latest mixtape. Damn Homie... In Highschool you was the man homie... WTF happened to you? Neways I'll be checkin this out to see if the man still has that ability to punch through walls that earned him so much respect in the first place. Here's the link below:
If anyone was wondering where Charles "Sonic" Hamilton was at, he's been underground layin low, tryna preserve what little credibility and relevance he has. In his downtime he created theNormalcy EP. U can download it below.
"Girls say hi/when i walk by//wanna know why?/cuz I'm so fly..." Pretty good for an 8 year old lmao. This is Lil king with his own song and dance at 8 yrs old. My friend Sarina put me on lol. Check him out with Wiggy Wiggy.
MC. Refreshing. Talented. Woman. Bold. Witty. I could go on and on describing up and coming artist Lola Maxwell. Born and raised in Washington, DC, Lola Maxwell is finally making a name for herself. I listened to her music a little apprehensively, but I was surprised at how good she is. With two mixtapes under her belt (From the Planet of the Greats and Check the Rhyme), I'm excited to see what Lola does next. Give her a chance. Take a listen. I promise you won't be disappointed.
The Cool Kids Forever Films presents "Duhh" by Tabi Booney whose album drops January 20th. I'm still checking this dude out so give me some time before I make up my mind. This track's ok but the video graphics and creativity is DOPE.
As much as I despise the inspiration for this song and video, I love Lupe and what he did with the song. Dopeness and if u haven't heard Enemy of the State hit the mixtapes tag and download it. Required listening. Yes I just gave you homework.
Mos keeps it simple and natural with the visual for the intro to his album The Ecstatic, as he does with the music throughout the album. Give it a spin, because when I say simple I don't mean cheap or underwhelming in the slightest. It's well worth an Itunes purchase for its standout tracks including this one.
50 Cent is in a constant struggle for relevancy because of his tendency to champion sensationalism over quality music, but that doesn't mean he's completely lost his step. Songs like "Do You Think About Me", with well executed, non cliche concepts and assured delivery save 50 Cent's last cd from being a weed plate. If 50 works to grow as an audience he might survive the dying Music industry's weeding out process. Plus the video, featuring Curtis' ex Vivica Fox, Tamala Jones, and Tahiry is dope conceptually, showing Fif's growing propensity to engage in the cinematic.
Breezy's still gotta lotta work to do if he's gonna winback his old fanbase. The trailer below for his album got me thinkin a reality show like T.I.'s road to Redemption might be a good look, tho Chris is nowhere near as articulate as Tip, and people probably already feel some type of way about the fact that this kid even has an album coming out. All he can do is try tho and the music so far has been dope. Guess we'll see...
Is Teddy Pain still relevant after D.O.A.? I think that remains to be seen, but this ish right here is dope.
Random Musings:
1) George Clinton is in this video. Yes, the George Clinton 2) So is Petey Pablo (the not so quiet inspiration for this song) I think he woulda ripped a verse up here. REEEEEEEMIXXXXXXXX???
And finally 3) "Ask Yourself: Is Autotune Really Dead?"
Khaled makes us nostalgic for the 90sPuffDaddyMonsterEpicBlockbusterExpensiveass Music Video with this visual for a song that doesn't really do it for me.
Apparently Diggy Simmons (son of Rev Run and nephew of Russell) can rap. And he's not bad. At all. Kid has flow and potential (much more than his older bro). Anyway don't take my word for it, peep the mixtape, First Flight, below.
Steve Harvey talks about the way men and women relate to each other. He hits on Hip Hop without be patronizing and gives some opinions I can respect, and he TAKES RESPONSIBILITY for his generations shortcomings in raising the hip hop generation. Though he doesn't get into much depth, I feel like he respects the positive aspects the culture has to offer without excusing the negative.
Here's Chip Tha Ripper's new mixtape, The Cleveland Show. @Chip216 is Kid Cudi's partner in rhyme, and the strength of "Hyyer" and his own track "Movie" has me excited for this tape's potential. Peep: